For the first time, mobile phone users now have the ability to provide anonymous crime fighting tips through the power of anonymous text messaging and WebTips.  Effingham Area Crime Stoppers and Anderson Software, the industry leader in law enforcement tip management software and web applications, have joined together to provide this service which allows citizens to send anonymous tips by sending a text message from a mobile phone or online.

Using TipSoft Text Tips, information may be anonymously received and securely replied to with complete confidence.  The service was built specifically to allow text messaging informants to remain anonymous by encrypting the text messages and routing them through several secure servers, protecting the personal details of the informant.

TipSoft SMS also allows police to respond by text message to the originating cell phone without ever knowing the identity of the individual who left the tip.  The user’s information is always given an alias and a unique ID before being sent.  This secure application allows the tipster and the investigator to have two-way dialog while always keeping the user’s identity completely anonymous.

How it works:  274-637(CRIMES)

Send a text message to: 274-637.  In the body of the message type tip2help at the beginning, and then type the information that you are providing as a tip. 

Ex:  tip2help John Doe is wanted and is at 206 E Section right now.

If you do not type tip2help at the beginning, the information will not be received.   You will get the following error message:

From: 274-637

Err: Please submit your tip with the Agency Keyword at the beginning of your message or visit for a list of Agency Keywords

If you send the information correctly, you will get the following reply:

Your alias: C1H2. Call 911 if urgent! Text HELP for info.  If replies put you at risk, txt STOP. Messaging & Data Rates May Apply.Ts&Cs:

All alias numbers will be different and you will need to keep that number to claim your reward if the information you provide leads to an arrest.

To place a Web tip, go to  Fill out the form that is provided and submit your tip.  After you submit your tip you will be given a code number and password for future reference. 


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Site Developed & Hosted By KTD Computers

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